Council will do roadworks at Garrane Boreen if residents do their bit
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A compromise solution to the need for road resurfacing was offered to residents of Garrane Boreen in Mitchelstown by Cork County Council’s Senior Roads Engineer, Brendan O’Gorman, at the meeting of the Fermoy Electoral Area Committee on Tuesday.
A deputation of residents attended the Fermoy meeting in February and requested the council to urgently upgrade their road. On Tuesday this week, the engineer told the meeting that the cost of overlaying the 1,300 metre route would be €62,400. He said the cul-de-sac isn’t on the council’s current four-year restoration improvement programme and cul-de-sacs are not generally accepted onto the programme anyway.
He pointed out that residents had previously been offered a Community Involvement Scheme to get the work done, but refused the offer on more than one occasion. A new scheme for CIS put in place this year, which would require a 20% monetary contribution from the community, was also turned down.
In the absence of any interest in getting the work done through a CIS scheme, he proposed that residents work with adjacent landowners to drain the public road along its entire length. If he sees that this has been done, he said, he will in the short term, provide stone material to be delivered on site for dispersal by nominated members of the public. If the road is drained and the potholes filled with the material provided, he pledged to send in the council’s patching unit to seal the surfaces.
He further promised, if satisfactory drainage of the route is undertaken and maintained by people living there, to give strong consideration to providing a Ralumac dressing and surface seal next year. Ralumac is a cold-applied asphaltic material, designed for more demanding locations on all types of surfaces.
“If the drainage is carried out by locals by means of open drains into private lands to take water off the road, I will not require any financial contribution for this proposed work,” he told members.
Councillor Noel McCarthy said the proposal would give residents hope. “I’ve no doubt they will take up what you’re offering,” said Councillor Frank Flynn, pointing out that the road is in “a deplorable condition.”
The engineer said he’d arrange for an on-site meeting with residents to discuss the matter.
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