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In anticipation of the erection of 12 turbines at Barranafaddock Wind Farm, near Mocollop in Ballyduff, concerns have been raised regarding noise and light pollution at a similar site in West Waterford.
The issue with turbines at Ring, near Dungarvan, was brought up at the January meeting of the Dungarvan/Lismore District Council. Residents in the area complained that noise ‘upwards of 85 decibels’ is often heard from the turbines, despite houses being over 1.2km away from the site.
One councillor said that residents heard ‘intermittent noise from the turbines, not every day, but out of the last 15 days in December, there were 10 days were the decibel level was 75’, following independent testing carried out by concerned residents.
The issue of shadow flicker was also identified during summer months, particularly during the hours of 5am and 6.30am. Tallow-based councillor, John Pratt raised his concerns for residents who are affected by noise pollution in the West Waterford area, saying that ‘on some occasions the decibel level was upwards of 85, you’d have to wear ear protection if you were working in Glaxo Smith Kleine (with that noise)’.
“The World Health Organisation warns of serious health risks if sleep is disturbed. There are people living in the area, it may not be happening all the time but it is happening too often, once is too often,” Cllr Pratt added.
Lismore councillor, Declan Doocey said this is ‘an education for us for future applications’, adding that originally ‘we were assured that these developments would have little affect on noise pollution’. In the case of the Ring wind turbines, Waterford Council will carry out independent noise pollution tests on the site.
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