Community groups in Fermoy combine to assist Cluain Dara
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No one can doubt the vibrancy of the voluntary sector in Fermoy. A recent example is the coming together of Fermoy Mothers' Group and Fermoy Men's Shed to make and fill window boxes which are being donated to the town's sheltered housing project - Cluain Dara.
Operating out of their new headquarters in MacCurtain Street, the versatile menfolk manufactured the 6 sturdy window boxes. The women arrived later to fill the boxes with bedding plants before transporting them across town to Cluain Dara where they will enhance an already very attractive cluster of houses. Fermoy Mothers' Group helped raise the necessary finance for the project.
Fermoy Men's Shed representative, Pat Mahon, said they were delighted to be part of this very worthwhile initiative.
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