Memories from the Archives – October 1997
Presidential candidate Mary Banotti, ‘buoyed up by an early morning opinion poll’ conducted by MRBI, which placed her in second place behind Mary McAleese...
Memories from the Archives – October 1997
The increased presence of pigeons congregating on rooftops in the Lower Cork Street area of Mitchelstown had, for the residents concerned, become ‘the bane...
Memories From The Archives – October 1997
An interesting entry into the ‘Garda Report’ in October 1997 read: ‘Budgie flew into house at Gurrane, Fermoy on 29th September. Owner can have...
Memories From The Archives – September 1997
The case of a duck bringing traffic in Fermoy to a standstill, having been ‘chased down O’Neill Crowley Quay by a terrier’, caused somewhat...
Memories From The Archives – September 1997
A Ballyporeen parent of a 13 and a half year old secondary school student attending Presentation Convent, Mitchelstown, contacted The Avondhu office to express...
Memories from the Archives – September 1997
Pride of place locally following the release of results in the 1997 Tidy Towns competition went to Ballyporeen, who gained an impressive 13 points...
Memories From The Archives – September 1997
Farmers in the rich grain producing areas of East Cork and West Waterford were coming to terms in September 1997 with ‘a disastrous harvest’....
Memories From The Archives – August 1997
It was reported that the people of Glanworth ‘were enthralled’ with the sight of a beautiful peacock which had chosen the local shrine, at...
Memories From The Archives – August 1997
In common with the national trend, secondary schools in The Avondhu area expressed ‘great satisfaction’ at the improvement in results across the board in...
Memories from the Archives – August 1997
Management and staff at the state-owned Moorepark farm were counting the cost of a BSE outbreak among its prime dairy herd in August 1997....