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Irish speakers from the towns of Fermoy and Mitchelstown gathered in The Grand Hotel, Fermoy last week for a group dinner as well as some caint agus comhrá. Over 20 Gaeilgeoirí from Fermoy, led by Eilish Ui Bhriain, and Mitchelstown, led by Michaél MacFheorais, were present on the night.
“We just caint agus comhrá, it’s chat and conversation, and we always emphasise the sociable aspect of it, there’s no pressure on anyone. It’s a very social, chatty meeting. That’s how we keep the cúpla focal going and try to promote it,” said Ms Ui Bhriain.
“It was a lovely gathering the other night I must say, we had over 20 present and we had a lovely meal, The Grand Hotel are always very welcoming towards the Irish group and they always treat us very kindly.”
The Mitchelstown group meet every Wednesday fortnight, in the town's Library at 4pm. While the Fermoy group meet every Wednesday fortnight in The Grand Hotel, at 8pm. For further information, e-mail Eilish at
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