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Ballylanders lights up for Christmas

Community spirit was to the forefront in Ballylanders recently, when the darkness of December was given a guiding light when the Christmas lights were switched on in the South Limerick village.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014
12:35 PM GMT

The festive season is upon us and all around the country, villages and towns are putting in a big effort with Christmas lights.

On Saturday night last this writer was dispatched to South Limerick to witness the turning on of the Christmas lights in Ballylanders village park. This facility, which includes a well maintained playground, is a busy social and recreational centre for people of all ages and at some stage during the week, a magnificent Christmas tree was erected.

It was a cold but dry day last Saturday, as villagers made their way to the park for the lighting countdown. Overseeing proceedings was mayor of Ballylanders, Bobby Kelly. Bobby said he was delighted to be turning on the lights which greatly enhance the park.

"They made a fine job of decorating the tree and I have to say it's very atmospheric, you can see for yourself that everyone is getting into the Christmas spirit and it's great to see," Bobby said before the lights went on.

Other contributors included Ballylanders Choir, who had a seasonal selection of tunes to keep those present in the mood. There was also a stall serving mulled wine and hot chocolate, which did a steady trade.

Members of the public were also invited to attach the names of deceased love ones to the tree and several did so.


Readers are reminded that the Ballylanders community Christmas party takes place in The Firgrove Hotel, Mitchelstown on Sunday, 14th December.

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