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Sean Ryan's trip to the National Lottery's Winning Streak TV gameshow on Saturday last proved a lucrative one. He returned home to Knockcorragh, Ballyduff Upper €39,800 better off.
It all began with one of two scratch cards bought at Dave Ryan's Amber Service Station in Fermoy. Sean's wife Julie posted off the ticket which led to him appearing on the show. Julie and their two young daughters, nine-year-old Caoimhe and six-year-old Niamh, travelled up to Dublin with him on Saturday and were in the audience, along with Sean's parents and Julie's dad, along with other family and friends from Ballyduff. In fact, there were so many that a bus was hired to get them all up and down together.
Sean's girls encouraged their dad throughout the show, advising him what numbers to pick as the different games were played out. Their good advice paid off when, early on, Sean won an Opel car. He followed that up with an extra €9,800 in a subsequent game. As those who win cars on the show are given the cash value of the model of car won, Sean's winnings amounted to €39,800. It now looks like his dream of taking his family on holidays to Euro Disney will become a reality.
Sean this week extended sincere thanks to the people of Ballyduff and surrounding area for all of the cards, good wishes and expressions of goodwill he received in the run-up to the show. "It was phenomenal" he said. He hopes his good luck will now rub off on other people in the area. It's believed to be the first time a Ballyduff resident has been on the popular show.
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