Ballindangan NS pupils finish the school year in style


Ballindangan NS pupils finish the school year in style

Tuesday, June 25th was D-Day for pupils of Ballindangan National School, who said goodbye to both teachers and staff in style.

Friday, 19 July 2013
5:10 AM GMT

The Ballindangan NAtional School pupils finished their school year on Tuesday, June 25th with a great splash this year. Firstly they said goodbye to teachers and staff at 12 o’clock and then they headed off to the school field for the now traditional water fight. One had to be very careful as pupils seemed to have a never ending supply of water bottles and water balloons, but it was all good fun.

Then at 12.30 everyone head to the stream to see how their ducks would do the race. Again there was great excitement as pupils watched their ducks make their way along the stream and congratulations to the winners of both races.


The Parents’ Association would like to say a big thank you to Miss Cotter and all pupils who painted the mural on the school shed. This colourful scene adds greatly to school grounds and has been admired by all in the community. We have some very talented pupils in Ballindangan, which was seen over the past weeks with their achievements in various art competitions and they continued this success in arts and crafts section of Charleville Agricultural Show.

Well done to all pupils on their first, second and third places and all the highly commended awards; also a special thank you to all our teachers for teaching them different painting skills and encouraging them to enter the competitions. It is great to see the school do so well in these events.

Finally, we would like thank Kevin at Colours and Stephen at Dulux for all their help with choosing the paint and colours for this project and also kindly sponsoring some of the paint. This project could not have been completed without your generous help, which we greatly appreciated.

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