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Emma Burke, Roisin Maunsell and Leanne Quirke who are looking forward to the Community Games in Anglesboro.
Anglesboro Kilbehenny Community Games Committee held their monthly meeting in Anglesboro Hall on Friday night last and they announced next Saturday, 16th February as the date to hold cross country trials for under 9, 11 and 13 years of age by 31st July.
They will be held at Col John O’Mahony Park, Kilbehenny at 2pm. Track and field athletics will also commence very soon. This Club is only a short time in existence and they have already done great work in both art and draughts competitions.
If anyone is willing to help out or require further information, please contact chairperson Fidelma English on 086-8298316, secretary Norma Quane or treasurer Michelle Lane.
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