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The little church at Farahy (St Colman's) will come alive to the sound of the Carducci Quartet on Saturday, June 20 at 3pm (please note time) in what will be the third concert in this year's North Cork Classical Music programme.
St Colman's has become synonymous with classical music over the years and particularly the string quartet. Carducci are no strangers to Farahy and they look forward to marking their return with three delightful pieces from three of the world's great composers: Haydn ('The Joke'); Shostakovich (No 14) and Dvorak ('The American').
The surrounds at St Colman's are simply wonderful at this time of year, the walk from the main road to the church is, in itself, a delight. People like to browse amongst the headstones, the final resting place of author Elizabeth Bowen being especially popular. Elizabeth spent much of her time in Bowenscourt. She died in February 1973, aged 73 and is buried here with her husband in Farahy.
At the interval on Sunday week (20th), light refreshments will be available for which a small donation towards the upkeep of the building would be appreciated.
Tickets (€15) are now available from Jane Annesley (022-26257), Liam Howard (087-6780183), from The Avondhu office, Fermoy, Cotter's Bar, Kilworth, Hyland's Bookshop, Mitchelstown or by calling 087-6492514.
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