National charity the Men’s Development Network has announced that it is extending its Male Advice Line into a 7 day a week service to cope with increased demand for advice in dealing with increased tensions in the home as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, it is in particular targeting men in the Cork area to make contact with the service.
“While women are more severely impacted by domestic violence, men can also be victims, and deserve both our sympathy and help,” says Roisin Davies, who is one of the MAL counsellors.
The freephone 1800 816 588 is open from 10am-6pm Mondays and Wednesdays, 12 noon – 8pm Tuesdays and Thursdays and from 2pm-6pm Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, it is a dedicated line for male victims (or their friends or family) of various forms of abuse.
While this lockdown is not a cause of domestic violence or abuse, any situation that increases anxiety, fear, emotional or financial insecurity can create an environment where there is greater risk of violent, abusive and controlling behavior.” says Derek Smith, MAL supervisor.
The Men’s Development Network is also offering its counselling service via online and phone, as well as its MEND programme; a perpetrator intervention and partner support programme.
For further information visit: www.mensnetwork.ie