Fermoy woman's novel kite-flying cancer fundraiser in Millstreet


Fermoy woman’s novel kite-flying cancer fundraiser in Millstreet

Fermoy woman Joanie Hanley has come up with a much less stressful, not to mention novel way of raising money for cancer research.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013
1:45 PM GMT

Forget the 10km runs, the triathlons and the Ironman challenges! Fermoy woman Joanie Hanley has come up with a much less stressful, not to mention novel way of raising money for cancer research.

The mother of five who was recently treated for breast cancer, is a keen kite flyer. "When I need a boost I go out into the fresh air, fly my kite, look up and feel a sense of hope for the future," Joanie says. "I want to share that feeling with others, and in doing so help to raise money for a charity that is dedicated to saving lives and close to my own heart, Breakthrough Cancer Research."

Joanie, a nurse, says she's a very strong person and was healthy before cancer struck. "That has stood to me," she said. She received some good news this week about her condition. The 61-year who is from Dublin but has lived in Fermoy for 40 years, says she is 'one of the lucky ones'. "Cancer is a scary word but it is also a magic word in that it has brought so many people around me, kind and humane people whose support has helped so much."

Joanie's 'Come Fly With Me' novelty event will take place at Millstreet Country Park on Sunday, September 22nd. Kite fans and kite flyers and families are invited to the park where kite flying demonstrations will be held. There'll be a kite-making workshop, pipe bands, a bouncy castle, face paiinting and a colouring competition to entertain the whole family.

Visitors are invited to bring their own kites on the day. Millstreet Country Park is kindly donating all the proceeds of their €20 per car entrance fee to Breakthrough Cancer Research. Scientists from the Cork Cancer Research Centre will be there to give parents a talk on nutrition.

The event will run from 1 to 5pm and Joanie is hoping for the best possible attendance to swell the coffers of the charity. More details can be hand by calling 1890 998 998 or by visiting www.breakthroughcancerresearch.ie

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