New life for Mitchelstown properties

The freshly-painted Barry's Corner in the square in Mitchelstown; the new and clean look has garnered attention for freshening up the town. (Picture: Marian Roche)

Many in Mitchelstown have commented how much an improvement has been made of the square, and the approach to the town in general, with the repainting of the former Mr Mister property/Barry’s Corner.

The building has been vacant for a number of years, and should soon be occupied again with another local clothing enterprise.

Meanwhile, there is building activity at the former Hyland’s Bookshop in town, which closed in November 2021. The building is being renovated into a financial services office, where it was once a bookshop, and before that, a grocer’s.

Elsewhere on Upper Cork Street the former knitwear and uniform shop, Doran’s, is being renovated by …

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