Intention to sell Conna nursing home as a ‘going concern’

An auctioneer has been appointed to the sale of Aperee Living in Conna, and it is the receiver's intention to sell the facility as a 'going concern' and maintain the business, according to David Stanton TD.

Residents of Conna and those with family and loved ones residing in Aperee Living in Conna, have been informed that it is the receiver’s intention to sell the nursing home as ‘a going concern’, meaning that the business will be retained if sold as such.

This week, Cork East TD, David Stanton, met with locals and those affected in Conna Community Hall where updates were given and concerns were discussed following news that a receiver had been appointed to the local nursing home, along with others under the Aperee group.

“What I have been told by the receiver is that his plan at the moment is to sell it as ‘a going concern’, as a business and to keep it open as a nursing home,” Deputy Stanton said.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition