High speed broadband for another 270 schools on the way

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High speed broadband for another 270 schools on the way

The news this week that every secondary school in Ireland will have access to high speed broadband for the 2014/2015 school year will be warmly received by students and teachers alike.

Saturday, 11 January 2014
10:00 AM GMT

The news this week that every secondary school in Ireland will have access to high speed broadband for the 2014/2015 school year will be warmly received by students and teachers alike. There will be those of course who will say that it would be just as important that a proper broadband service be available to businesses and homes throughout the country who are having to suffer a 'hit and miss' service.

Businesses (and private customers) find themselves signed up to an 8Mb plan but are receiving less than 2Mb in many cases. The same applies to mobile phone coverage where one would expect in this day and age, that proper reception would be standard.

516 schools are already enjoying high-speed broadband and this new initiative will see another 270 schools enjoy the same privilege. Making the announcement, Minister Sean Sherlock said this connectivity is yet 'another helping hand for tomorrow’s industry and academic leaders'.

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