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Lack of flood warning signage in Lismore, Cllr. says

There was a lack of warning signs advising people of floods in Lismore, Cllr Julie Landers told the monthly meeting of the town council on Monday night.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014
8:50 AM GMT

There was a lack of warning signs advising people of floods in Lismore, Cllr Julie Landers told the monthly meeting of the town council on Monday night.

She said people were driving up to floodwaters not knowing they were there because of an absence of signage signalling flooded stretches of road.

Town manager Paul Daly, said the amount of flood hazard they’d had in recent weeks was ‘unreal’ and they had limited manpower to deal with it.

That prompted Cllr John Heneghan to ask, when the town council is abolished, if council ‘gangers’ would be moved to Dungarvan with other council workers.

The town manager assured him they would continue to be based in Lismore, that it was only the engineers that were being relocated to Dungarvan.

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