TV3 presenter Cassie Stokes and X Factor star Mary Byrne joined Brid O’Meara, Director of Services at Aware, calling on women throughout Ireland to participate in the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon.
The marathon id in aid of Aware, the national organisation providing support, education and information to those impacted by depression, bipolar disorder and related mood conditions.
The largest female-only event of its kind worldwide, the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon will take place on Sunday, June 3 with women of all ages and from all corners of the country running, walking or jogging the 10km route through Dublin city centre.
Registration for the marathon at: www.vhiwomensminimarathon.ie.
Equally you can email or call fundraising@aware.ie (01-6617211) to join the Aware team and receive your t-shirt and you could also set up your fundraising page at everydayhero.com/ie (or contact us for a sponsorship card).