Pharmacists are urgeing members of the public to be aware of the dangers of mixing alcohol and medicines, particularly over the festive period. 

Drinking alcohol, even if it is only in small amounts, while also taking medicines can have unpredictable effects. In many cases it can make the medicine you are taking less effective or the side-effects worse.

“It is not just prescription medication that patients need to be aware of when consuming alcohol. Many over-the-counter medicines, such as cough and cold remedies, pain relievers, antihistamines and travel sickness pills, have the potential to interact negatively with alcohol,” commented Caitriona O’Riordan, a pharmacist and member of the Executive Committee of the Irish Pharmacy Union.

“Also, by drinking alcohol on top of taking medication, you could unconsciously put yourself over the legal limit for driving. Our advice is to always read the label and, when in doubt, ask your pharmacist.”