Kelleher allays fears re Fermoy Weir

Concerns that have been raised regarding the progress of works to Fermoy Weir due to the new nature restoration law that was backed by EU environment ministers at a meeting in Luxembourg in the past few days, may have been allayed somewhat as recently re-elected MEP for Ireland South, Billy Kelleher, has said that he would be ‘confident’ the the implementation of the new law will not impact the Fermoy weir. 

The new law, which focuses on restoring lands deemed to be degraded or in poor condition, also includes provision to see barriers removed from rivers, focusing on  ‘restoration of the natural connectivity of rivers and natural functions of the related floodplains’.

While some concerns were highlighted locally regarding the impact this could have on Fermoy weir and plans for its remediation alongside the construction of a fish bypass, Kelleher has stated that it is his belief the weir is ‘a seperate issue’.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition