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Young achievers rewarded in Mitchelstown

Teenagers were the focus of attention at last Monday night’s youth achievement awards in Mitchelstown.

Thursday, 11 December 2014
8:20 AM GMT

Teenagers were the focus of attention at last Monday night's youth achievement awards held in The Firgrove Hotel, Mitchelstown. Frequently scolded when they slip up, this was an event that recognised the talent of our youth and praised them accordingly.

This type of function doesn't happen by chance and credit is due to Tesco and the senior ranks of An Garda Siochana for backing it so enthusiastically. The multi national supermarket was represented by their community champion, Liz Downes, who has her finger firmly on the pulse as far as the work of community groups is concerned. An Garda Siochana were represented by Inspector Joe O'Connor and Mitchelstown's community Garda, John Hennessy.

Over a hundred awards were presented to a variety of high achievers covering areas such education, sport, culture, volunteerism and charity work. Eoin Fenton and Aoibhe Mullins were category winners, with Valerie Clancy, Michael Vincent Flynn and Alfie Carey being highly commended. The awards were presented by Minister of State, Sean Sherlock.

All the award winners were drawn from schools in the Mitchelstown catchment and the function served to underline the extraordinary work that all these schools are doing in producing such enlightened, conscientious and well balanced individuals.

For her part, Liz Downes said that every recipient was thoroughly deserving and she made a special point of acknowledging the role of parents and teachers in helping to instil values such as social responsibility and civic mindedness. Liz, who acted as MC for the event, thanked everyone who helped make the night possible.

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