A dynamic Women in Business Management Development programme which started on April 4th 2016 and ran for 10 consecutive weeks, came to a close at The Mill in Castletownroche this week.
The event saw a dynamic group of 10 female entrepreneurs across various business sectors attended the weekly 3 hour workshops which covered a range of topics covering; finance, marketing, business strategy, business law, time management, life work balance and sales.
The programme was delivered at various locations around county Cork. The final module was delivered at The Mill in Castletownroche.
The training programme which was highly subsidised and organised by Local Enterprise Office Cork was delivered by Smart Marketing Ltd, a Midwest based firm which is owned by female Entrepreneur, Theresa Mulvihill.
“As a female business owner I appreciate and understand the importance of making every minute count.”
When we deliver training programmes we make sure that every minute counts and that all participants leave with practical actionable points after each training session,” she said.
The training programme was organised by The Local Enterprise Office Cork North and West and as officially closed by acting head of enterprise, Kevin Curran who said: “We are here to support small business and your feedback is invaluable. This programme is an example of a project which has been requested by you, our clients.”
Kevin thanked Joan Kelleher for organising the initiative and for acting on clients’ feedback. He encouraged the participants to look out for other supports available to them and congratulated them on the diversity and standard of business in the room.