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The poster above, spotted recently in The Landsdowne Hotel, Kenmare, takes us back to the very time The Avondhu, as a mere 8-page magazine, had just begun to make its mark in the general Mitchelstown/Fermoy area.
Many of our older readers will remember 'Just A Minute' - Martin Sheehan's column in The Avondhu all those years ago. Martin, a native of Castletownbere, worked in Dairygold for a number of years and during his time in Mitchelstown, became very much involved in community affairs and for a number of years, contributed to The Avondhu each week with his 'Just A Minute' column. As the poster states, he was King of the Galtees in 1978.
His fundraising dance, which was in aid of the senior citizens' project (now Tearmann Ui Chaoimh) had as Martin's special guest, the then Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr Brian Sloane, a brother of Nuala Sloane.
Eventually, Martin answered the call and joined the priesthood, taking up his ministry in the Kerry Diocese. We are happy to announce that Fr Martin, who had been CC in the Tuosist parish for the past few years, has just been appointed Parish Priest in Caherdaniel. We wish him well in his new appointment!
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