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Councillor Kevin O’Keeffe has welcomed a decision by Cork County Council to enact a number of positive measures in relation to tackling the issue of overgrown hedges.
Members of the Roads & Transportation SPC have agreed to undertake a public awareness campaign to advise landowners and others in relation to their responsibilities for hedge cutting under the Roads Act 1993.
The publicity campaign will be conducted by placing public adverts in local newspapers every year in early September, by placing radio adverts on local radio stations during the farming programmes throughout September, and by putting information on the Council’s website.
There's a proposal to pilot a Hedge Cutting Grant Scheme, similar to the Clare County Council Community Scheme, in one area, possibly in West Cork.
According to the law, the owner or occupier of land shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that a tree, shrub, hedge or vegetation on the land is not a hazard to persons using a public road.
The hedge cutting season is restricted by the Wildlife Acts to the period from September 1st to February 28th.
In welcoming the new measures, Cllr O’Keeffe said: “This is welcome news as I feel there are areas where it could be rolled out. The policy also spells out the responsibility of landowners to maintain their hedgerows. Also the public awareness campaigns have to be welcomed.”
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