At a special function in Dungarvan, MEP Sean Kelly launched foresttomarket.ie website, a first for the Irish Forestry Industry in Ireland.
This new website is a dedicated platform for investors to source existing forestry and land suitable for forestry for sale by auctioneers across the country.
A recent report by the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland found the average price per hectare for forestry land was €9,838 in 2015 and increase of 5% over 2014 prices.
The new website www.foresttomarket.ie has been developed by Forestry Services Ltd (FSL) and will provide a unique platform for auctioneers to advertise such assets, investors to source such assets and investors registered on the site of properties uploaded to the site, as well as updates on current forestry matters.
FSL will manage the website and are offering a special introductory proposal to auctioneers which will consist of free initial registration; all registration by investors is free and all property listings free until 31st August, 2016.