Una’s Pies continuing on from farmers’ market success!
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A Cork entrepreneur is using the Faber Castell Business Campus in Fermoy to produce her range of award-winning pies. Una Martin, from Douglas, began her business in 2010, selling her pies at a local country farmer's market in Caherdaniel, in Co. Kerry. From there the young woman expanded the business, selling her pies at farmers' markets around Cork city and county.
Individually created and made from top quality ingredients, including fully traceable beef and chicken and other key ingredients locally sourced, Una's pies quickly became popular. She won the overall Artisan Producer of the Year prize at the Blas na hÉireann awards in 2011, and took gold, silver and bronze in the pie and quiche category.
There was further success in 2012 when the brand repeated its wins, taking gold, silver and bronze in the pie and quiche category and was also named Best in Farmers' Market and Supreme Champion. She launched her retail range in November last year and launched in Tesco in January.
Una took another step forward recently, completing the Enterprise Ireland New Frontiers Programme at the Rubicon Centre in Cork Institute of Technology (CIT). The programme is supported by CIT and Enterprise Ireland among others, from across the business and economic development sectors in Ireland.
"Without the encouragement and expert knowledge from the team in the Rubicon and New Frontiers, I wouldn't have made such quick progress in the launch of the new Una's Pies range," Una explained. "Having an operations base in Fermoy is great too as it means I have two days to get my production done, which makes it a very efficient operation," she added.
Minister for Research and Innovation, Sean Sherlock, presented Una with her certificate for participating in the New Frontiers programme. He commended her work ethic and determination to expand her market.
"People like Una Martin exemplify the New Frontiers progamme," he said. Hard work and a fresh take on a traditional product was only a small part of her appeal as an entrepreneur to watch. "I'm particularly glad to see that she is not geographically limited and is expanding her remit to establish production facilities in Fermoy. While it is only the start of her journey, I'm more than confident of her abilities and talent to become one of Cork's best known entrepreneurs. I was delighted to be present to salute her achievements within the New Frontiers programme."
The 12 graduates of the programme work in a range of sectors, including ERP solutions, e-learning, talent selection software, food products and the infant and preschool market. Each availed of supports from the Rubicon Centre to move their businesses into commercial enterprises, with the potential to trade internationally and attract investment.
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