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Traders hoping to establish regular artisan market in Fermoy town centre

With farmers’ and artisan markets appearing countrywide, Fermoy’s town centre location has the potential to grow the current artisan market, who have just started to trade at Fitzgerald Place.

Thursday, 12 June 2014
8:20 PM GMT

Artisan markets are a welcome addition to any village or town and the hope is that with the necessary support, a dedicated market can be got up and running in Fermoy.

While the concept is established elsewhere, it's taking time for the idea to take root on the banks of the River Blackwater. It's not for the want of effort and on Saturday last, a small but enthusiastic band of artisan traders pitched their stalls at Fitzgerald Place - a town centre location close to O'Neill Crowley Quay and a short distance from the local Garda station.


In theory, there are plenty of people out there with produce and products to sell, however, getting them to assemble in a dedicated location seems to be a challenge. There's no doubt about the potential of the artisan market model, however, more traders are required to make it viable and of course the public will have to be brought on board. The plan is to make the market at Fitzgerald Place a weekly event (every Saturday 10am to 2.30pm).

Hopefully, word will spread and the market will expand in the weeks and months ahead - it's definitely doable and with sufficient backing, it has the potential to benefit everyone with a stake in the town.

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