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The week has been filled with heart-warming, inspiring stories of people helping out the less fortunate this Christmas.
For whatever reason - the continued economic downturn most likely - there appears to be a greater appreciation among the more fortunate of those less so and a feeling that it's not all about the material things like new phones or fancy tablets, the clothes and other goods, though they are nice to have, but more about the good and positive things in our lives that we take for granted every other day of the week.
Our family, for example, or the lovely dinner we'll sit down to on Christmas day. The warmth of a fire as we relax. Increasing numbers of people out there don't have those luxuries. No family to spend Christmas with, no warm drinks, no fire.
A little spare change could make a real difference to a homeless person on the street. A smile can brighten up someone's day. A visit to an elderly person or others alone this Christmas, to keep them company for however short a while, could make their Christmas.
We can show a little patience with people who seem pressured and harried this holiday season, for we do not know what worries they may have.
Christmas is a time for joy. A time to suspend worry and care for a short while and relax. It's the little kindnesses that make all the difference. Let's all spread a little goodwill and see it catch on!
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