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The Four Counties Interclub Cycle was an initiative that club member Anthony Hanrahan brought to the club and after getting its backing made a great job of organising and making this event a great success.
There are a number of people we want to sincerely thank for their support and time – Johnny O’Sullivan, Jim Hennessy, Seanie Donegan and Catherine & Nail Desmond. We are very grateful to our sponsors and were blown away by the kindness amongst our local businesses.
A very big thanks to Kieran Cotter for the bottled water, Tom Shanahan for the fruit, Hanley’s for puddings and sausages, Sean Roche’s Shop in Ballysaggart who supplied the cyclists with tea and biscuits and we are especially grateful to The Ramble Inn who are always a huge support to our cycling club and done a fantastic job looking after us before and after the cycle with an array of fantastic food that was very welcome by all the cyclist on their return.
Thanks to the clubs that took part and supported this cycle: Raparees CC, Kilmallock CC, Over the Hill CC, Southside Wheely Wheelers CC, South Tipp CC, Fermoy CC, Tipperary Wheelers CC, Kanturk CC and the Ballysaggart and Kilbehenny lads. We now hope to make this cycle an annual event on the cycling calendar, thanks to everyone that took part.
Galtee Wheelers are currently upgrading the quality of their cycling kit to Santini, if anyone missed the fitting night and requires a club kit or needs more details please contact Danny on 087-6045938.
Our Sunday morning spins continue to leave New Square at 9am and our evening spins on a Wed night have now come to an end. Check out Galtee Wheeler Facebook for updates.
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