The first ever scholarship programme allowing students the unique opportunity to pursue a full-time, third level programme within the area of forestry has been launched by Coillte, the semi-state forestry company.
The Coillte Scholarship programme aims to highlight forestry as a fulfilling career for both men and women and attract the foresters of the future into the sector. The scholarship will award two students up to €20,000 for the duration of a degree programme (€5,000 per year), at either University College Dublin (UCD) or South East Technological University (SETU, to support with fees and living expenses).
Forestry offers a broad spectrum of roles which focus on many areas including: sustainable wood production through tree planting and harvesting; promoting biodiversity conservation; implementing climate change adaption strategies in Coillte’s forests; as well as analysing environmental data to develop comprehensive plans for sustainable forest management.
Identified as a key enabler in the delivery of Ireland’s climate action goals, the forestry industry will need more than 1,770 forestry and wood processing professionals to realise the ambitions of Ireland’s Forest Strategy.
Each scholarship recipient will also be offered the opportunity of paid summer employment in Coillte for the duration of the scholarship and on completion of the degree, they will have the opportunity to join Coillte.
Applications for the Coillte Scholarship Programme can be completed online from 1st February at www.coillte.ie. The closing date for receipt of applications is 28th April.