Terrific turn out for Fermoy’s Palace Ballroom tea dance
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Reports were all good in the wake of the afternoon tea dance held in the Palace Ballroom which forms part of Fermoy Community Youth Centre on Sunday, April 12.
Mature couples and paid up members of the 'waltzing brigade' accounted for the bulk of the fine crowd who were entertained by one man band, Declan Aungier. Surprisingly, for a man who traverses the country on a regular basis, this was Declan's first time performing in Fermoy. According to the man himself, it was a most enjoyable occasion.
"This type of event is all about dancing and the floor was full for most of the afternoon, which says it all," - a statement that can't be argued with.
Kieran Barry, a hands on manager, who works extremely hard promoting this multi-functional facility was also delighted with how things went.
As already mentioned dancing is the name of the game and there was very little 'down time' between the hours of 3pm and 5.30pm. When the 'sus' came, it was for tea and cakes with the aforementioned Kieran Barry and his team doing the pouring and serving.
The fee for the afternoon was €8 which people had no difficulty with. It's very much a case of 'money in, money out' at Fermoy Community Youth Centre and proceeds from last Sunday have already been earmarked for ceiling improvements.
It's shaping up to be a busy summer for everyone associated with Fermoy Community Youth Centre - keep on eye on these pages for further details.
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