Surprise find during Lismore Heritage Centre refurbishment works
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Construction workers on Lismore Heritage Centre’s renovation project got quite a surprise last week when they uncovered a stone archway that wasn't marked on any plans of the building.
Lismore Heritage Centre is located in the Old Courthouse Building in the middle of Lismore town. Originally constructed as The Sessions House, the building, as was common in many small towns, incorporated the local Market House on ground level with the courtroom above.
The Sessions House was built by the Duke of Devonshire as part of Lismore Estates and is attributed to the architect John Carr. Initial estimates however suggest that the newly uncovered archway pre-dates the Sessions House.
The Courthouse Building was burned by local republicans during the War of Independence and rebuilt shortly afterwards. Marks believed to be fire damage from that blaze can be seen on the stone of the arch. Much earlier details can also be clearly seen, such as the outline of the doorway and hollows and dents where the arch may possibly have been used as a whetstone to sharpen swords.
Such scars suggest that the archway could perhaps date from the 1700s though it is unclear from maps from that period what structure existed on the site.
Mealla Fahey, Project Manager at Lismore Heritage Centre admitted the arch’s discovery was something of a surprise.
“It is a load bearing arch so there was never any possibility of it being disturbed. Since been more fully uncovered it has turned out to be a beautiful piece of stonework whick we hope to keep and leave exposed to make it a feature of our newly redesigned centre.”
Lismore Heritage Centre has consulted archaeologist, Dan Noonan, and with Rose Ryall, Conservation Officer Waterford County Council, about the arch’s discovery. The Conservation Officer is eager to learn more about the provenance of the arch.
Contact has been made with Chatsworth, the chief residence of the Duke of Devonshire, where papers relating to the Duke’s Lismore Estates are stored and the archivist there is assisting Lismore Heritage Centre with their quest to learn more about the arch’s origins.
To keep up to date with the renovation of Lismore Heritage Centre people can find them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter @LismoreHC
The renovation of Lismore Heritage Centre is being funded under the Rural Development Programme (for Ireland 2007 – 2013 under the Tourism Measure. The RDP is administered by Waterford Leader.
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