A new publication outlining the range of mental health supports available to young people in Cork was launched on Tuesday by Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr Mick Finn.
The booklet is targeted at young people aged 15 years and over, and its aim is to provide information that is accessible, clear and youth friendly.
The Youth Mental Health Resource booklet is a Connecting for Life Cork project, the suicide and self-harm reduction plan for Cork city and county.
Produced by Cork Kerry Community Healthcare Resource Officer for Suicide Prevention, Martin Ryan, together with partners across the community and voluntary sector, it features details of services across the city and county which support young people and families.
“Connecting for Life Cork is a cross-community plan which recognises that suicide reduction is everyone’s business. That cross-community approach was very evident in the development of this valuable resource, which Cork Kerry Community Healthcare was delighted to spearhead and fund,” Sinead Glennon, Head of Mental Health Services for Cork and Kerry said.
Mr Ryan commented at the launch that when working with schools, teachers and parents, he is often asked what services are available for young people.
“This booklet brings together that information in a format that is accessible to all. We hope that the booklet will also be useful resource for adults and those working with young people in their everyday work,” he said.
The booklet, based on information gathered by Kinsale Youth Support Services (KYSS), will be distributed through the NEPS service, local youth organisations, schools and local networks.
Alternatively, contact Martin Ryan on martin.ryan8@hse.ie for a copy.