Successful summer social event hosted by Network Cork

At the recent Network Cork July social gathering in Sober Lane Courtyard, president of Network Cork Susana Marambio (2nd from left), is pictured with, l-r: vice president of Network Cork Cathy Fitzgibbon; Cathy Agnes Stawosz, The Hideout Café and Art Gallery and Dr Siobhán Lucey, UCC. (Photo: Darragh Kane)

Wednesday, July 3rd saw Network Cork celebrate its annual Summer Social Event at The Courtyard on Sober Lane. The event saw over 70 members and guests sharing experiences and getting to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere, fostering a spirit of community and collaboration.

Network Cork – the leading organisation for women in business in Cork – remains committed to empowering women in business through networking, professional development and mutual support. The association’s president, Susana Marambio, highlighted the organisation’s core values of Leading, Supporting, and Collaborating in her address.

“We can only lead, support, and collaborate effectively when we truly get to know each other,” she remarked. “This is the objective of our summer events.”

She also took the opportunity to congratulate the winners of the Businesswoman of the Year Awards, who were present at the event, namely: Dara O’Shea (Emerging Businesswoman); Elizabeth Gavin (Established Businesswoman); Patricia Macropoulus (STEM Professional); Stef McSherry (Creative Professional); Lorna Horgan (Employee Rising Star); Dr Siobhan Lucy (Employee Shining Star); Maura Mackey (Networker of the Year) and Orla McAndrew (Solo Businesswoman – not in attendance).

The evening was filled with informal discussions and fantastic food, allowing attendees to forge new connections and strengthen existing ones.


Susana also shared details about Network Cork’s upcoming events. On Thursday, 8 August, members will have the opportunity to attend “Connections & Culture: Exclusive Networking Event and Private Tour” at Crawford Gallery. Following that, on 4 September, a significant event will take place at the Millennium Hall.

In a show of support and collaboration, Susana thanked Sandra Maybury, President of Network Ireland West Cork, and Linda O’Mahony Logan, President of Network Ireland Kerry, for attending the event and their support throughout the year.