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Winters are getting harsher and with budget cuts, many people are finding themselves shivering, as a lack of funds leaves them out in the cold. But IRD Duhallow are reminding people about their free home insulation Warmer Home Scheme for homeowners.
The service is invaluable to those who cannot afford to properly insulate their homes, but unfortunately, many of those who are eligible are not aware of it. To qualify, homeowners must be in receipt of one of the following; fuel allowance, family income supplement or job seekers allowance for more than six months with a child under the age of seven. Those eligible must also own the house, which must have been built before 2006.
The scheme provides free attic and cavity wall insulation, draught proofing, energy advice, low energy bulbs, lagging jackets and BER certificates, which all help to cut down on heating costs.
"In the current economic climate, many people are struggling to heat their homes as the price of fuel seems to rise with every new bill. For those that live in old cottages and town houses, keeping the house warm can seem like a mammoth task when the heat so easily leaks away when the fire goes out or the switch is turned off.
"IRD Duhallow's Warmer Homes Scheme offers a free service which can help keep heating bills low by insulating your home. Unfortunately many people are still unaware of this particular programme," a spokesperson for IRD told The Avondhu.
To apply for the scheme or for further information, please contact 029 60633.
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