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St Patrick would blush

One can only shudder to thing what visitors to this country must think with the amount of rubbish dumped reaching epidemic proportions in recent times.

Thursday, 19 March 2015
2:00 PM GMT

One can only shudder to thing what visitors to this country must think with the amount of rubbish dumped reaching epidemic proportions in recent times.

One can only shudder to thing what visitors to this country must think with the amount of rubbish dumped reaching epidemic proportions in recent times.

At a time when we have been proudly celebrating St Patrick's Day all over the world, one can only shudder to thing what visitors to this country must think.

The amount of rubbish being dumped on the sides of our roads has reached epidemic proportions in recent times. It is not unusual now to see items such as mattresses, couches, televisions and computers blatantly dumped alongside other domestic refuse, imposing a terrible blight on our countryside.

The hard work being done by Tidy Towns groups and other civic initiatives in our towns and villages are being wholly undermined by this disgusting practice. While local Tidy Towns groups give of their time to keep the approach roads to their respective area free of litter, the clean-up of the heavier items mentioned above that are abandoned further outside of these areas, is a much bigger problem.

Perhaps the local authorities, with the help of the Army, could blitz the main roads in a major clean-up before the tourist season commences? Some of us might suggest we take people off the dole to do it? Or will we just await the camouflage of summer growth?

It goes without saying that prevention is the key towards solving the problem. But for that, all of us must be much more aware and willing to outlaw this practice, bring the perpetrators to justice and have them pay the price!

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