St Fanahan's College, Mitchelstown students visit Lourdes


St Fanahan’s College, Mitchelstown students visit Lourdes

A chance to do some volunteer work and to discover their spirituality for second level Mitchelstown students who recently travelled to Lourdes.

Friday, 25 October 2013
7:15 PM GMT

Twelve pre Leaving Cert classes from St Fanahan's College, Mitchelstown have just returned from a trip with Lourdes, where they worked as helpers on an annual pilgrimage.

The students worked with the Mitchelstown branch of the Carmelites and were accompanied by Ms O'Sullivan and Ms Sheehan, as they spent six days in Lourdes. While in Lourdes, the students took part in youth Masses, processions and different social and religious ceremonies.

Working as helpers allowed the students to meet different people who went on pilgrimages to Lourdes, find out about the great healing powers of Lourdes and what it means to people. It was also a great way for the young people to do some volunteer work, get a taste of travelling and explore their own spirituality.

Nicola Howard, who travelled with the group, said that it was a great experience, while others described it as a rewarding and enriching experience, as they met many interesting and inspiring people, who they may not have met without this trip.

The students wish to thank the Mitchelstown Carmelite Society and all those who gave them this wonderful opportunity.

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