St Anthony's relics for Cork and Limerick


St Anthony’s relics for Cork and Limerick

The relics of Saint Anthony of Padua come to both Cork and Limerick.

Thursday, 17 October 2013
6:05 PM GMT

After the astounding success of the visits of Saint Anthony's relics to the US, Canada and South Australia earlier this year, readers of The Avondhu can take in the visit of the relics in both Cork and Limerick.

In Cork The Cork venue is the Holy Trinity Church on Fr Matthew Quay on Sun Oct 20. Proceedings will include the procession at 11am followed by Mass at 12.30. This will be followed by veneration of the relics from 1.30pm to 8.30pm.

The Limerick venue is St John’s Cathedral, Cathedral Place on Monday 21st for 10am Mass with veneration from 11am to 6.30pm, followed again by Mass at 7pm and concluding with veneration until 10pm.

The visit, from Saint Anthony's Basilica in Padua, is to mark the 750th Anniversary of the discovery of Saint Anthony's relics by Saint Bonaventure in 1263.

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