New speed limit changes near the Army Camps on the old Cork/Dublin road have sparked anger among road users and some residents.

The new changes to the speed limits, starting from Glocca Maura through to Corbett Court, came into force in late September 2017 and are now legally binding with the appropriate signage having been installed.

A resident from the area, who wished to remain anonymous, said, the new limits are 'punishing the people who are doing the right thing and following the law'.

“I’ve seen many people driving dangerously and recklessly, overtaking other people who are abiding by the new limits. The people who were speeding were already doing the wrong thing to begin with. Now instead of doing 10km/h over the speed limit, they’re doing 20 or 30 in order to overtake those abiding by the new speed limit, out of sheer frustration,” she said.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition