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From this Friday, January 17, Centre Stage Productions (Limerick) and Friars’ Gate present the wonderful family pantomime 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'. The production runs for two weekends and includes matinee performances on both weekends.
This traditional telling of the popular pantomime has all you would expect from the magical story of the beautiful Snow White, seven funny little men and a Wicked Queen, but we’ve added a magical mirror with an attitude problem, a very humpy servant, and a perfectly handsome Prince who is just a bit too full of himself. There’s the dame, Beatrice Bun and Bobby Biscuit, who run the palace bakery, and throw in a couple of silly servants and even sillier policemen, and you have all the ingredients for a couple of hours of on stage mayhem and hilarious madness.
Take 5 present 'Little Gem'
On Friday 31st January, the award winning Take 5 Drama Group from Castlelyons visit Kilmallock with their production of Elaine Murphy’s Little Gem. Theatre lovers will know Take 5 from their regular appearances at our annual One Act Drama Festival and this is a great opportunity to see them perform this award winning play.
Directed and starring Noelle Clarke, the production also features Andrea Kidd and Yvonne Seymour. 'Little Gem' is an award winning play and was first produced by Guna Nua at Dublin’s 2008 Fringe Festival. A three-hander tragic-comedy, 'Little Gem' consists of three female monologists telling in successive scenes their personal histories of love and loss in an alienating contemporary world.
Tickets €12/€10, bookings on 063-98727 or on
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