The Small Firms Association’s Smart Business Workshops are nearing the halfway point, with dates in Cork and Limerick still to come.
The series is aimed at helping businesses grow, scale and succeed in a changing business environment.
The workshops take place within co-working spaces across the country, which provide an ideal opportunity to see these venues in action, in addition to excellent networking opportunities with other small businesses.
Alongside Abodoo, Vodafone will share their insights and experience of the benefits of smart or flexible working and how you can implement it in your business to increase productivity and attract and retain talent.
You will also learn about increasing your profits through employee-led models from the SFA.
Taking place within unique co-working spaces, you will gain insight into:
The benefits of smart working and why you should avail of it; How technology can empower your business to work anywhere at any time through technology, connectivity and security;
How to increase sales and profits by ensuring that every employee is a profit centre and loves what they do.
These events are free of charge, but pre-registration online is essential.
The event is in partnership with Vodafone.
Upcoming dates are: Republic of Work, Cork on 21 March and Limerick on 3 April