Skin cancer is the most common cancer in Ireland, with the Irish Cancer Society stating that over 11,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. This number has doubled in the last 10 years and is predicted to double in numbers again by 2040.
While skin cancer is the most common cancer, it is also the most preventable. 9 out of 10 skin cancers are caused by exposure to UV radiation, such as the sun or sun beds. Up to 90% of skin cancers can be cured if spotted early. To achieve 100% survival, we need better awareness regarding not only UV radiation, but also our own skin.
Rose Clinic was established to provide multidisciplinary care for skin health, with the primary focus of identifying changes in the skin that may lead to skin cancer, as well as aiding in the diagnosis of skin cancer in its early stages. Earlier detection leads to earlier treatment, and therefore better outcomes.
As Rose Clinic enters its fourth year dedicated to the early detection of skin cancer, we have expanded our service to 6 counties to provide rapid-access mole screening to the Irish population. With the ongoing rise of skin cancer in Ireland, and the ever-increasing waiting lists for patient assessment, our clinics provide a medically led rapid access mole screening service. This includes digital dermoscopy, doctor-delivered reporting and outcomes provided within 2 weeks to the referring doctor and patient. We also facilitate surgical referral if necessary.
We offer two types of services in our clinic. Our full body mole screening is our most comprehensive service. It includes a head-to-toe skin and mole/lesion check with both physical examination and digital imaging technology. This allows for the rapid identification of new lesions, and the monitoring of changes in existing skin lesions.
We also offer a digital dermoscopic assessment of up to 5 lesions without the full body mapping. This assessment allows us to address your specific concerns and streamlines a pathway for lesions that are exhibiting the characteristics of skin cancer.
Rose Clinic also offers on-site corporate mole checks for companies across Ireland. More information on all our services can be found at www.roseclinic.ie.
To make an appointment, or to speak to a member of our team, contact our Central Booking Office on 021 234 7560 or email info@roseclinic.ie. Enquiries and appointments an also be made through our website. No GP referral required.