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Sinn Fein to the fore in Mitchelstown’s anti water charges march

Perhaps, a little belatedly, Sinn Fein organised an anti water charges march in Mitchelstown last Saturday, comprising almost exclusively of Sinn Fein activists and supporters.

Friday, 19 December 2014
8:00 AM GMT

Very substantial public opposition has resulted in a significant Government climb down on the hot topic of domestic water charges.

In the wake of widespread anger, Fermoy staged two anti water charges marches (1st and 29th Nov.) and it was the subject of some comment that Mitchelstown didn't follow suit.

Perhaps, a little belatedly, Sinn Fein organised a march in Mitchelstown last Saturday. Comprised almost exclusively of Sinn Fein activists and supporters, the event certainly didn't do any harm to a party who are riding high in the polls and in the view of some commentators, primed to be coalition partners come the next General Election. Approximately, 60 people took part and the demonstration culminated with a rally in New Square.

The demonstration also provided a useful platform for Cllr June Murphy to set out her anti water charges stall and the presence of high profile Cork East TD Sandra McLellan, gave some indication that Mitchelstown could yet feature prominently in Sinn Fein's General Election thinking.

The rhetoric of the two ladies was predictably anti-Government and the great, lumbering giant that has become Irish Water made an easy target for these accomplished politicians.

Deputy McLellan was able to tell a very receptive audience that 29 senior management figures within Irish Water are on salaries of €100,000 + (the plus being the bonuses that will follow having met all too easily attained targets).

Deputy McLellan said people were rightly sickened by this already 'bloated organisation', who had proved themselves experts at wasting millions of euro.

An upbeat Cllr Murphy said she was proud to lead marchers through her native town and in terms of family, relatives, neighbours and friends, she certainly wasn't let down.

The New Year will tell a lot about how much political mileage is left in the water charges debate for Sinn Fein. For now, their anti austerity 'tax the rich, power-to-the-people' tactics are working just fine.

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