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Seasonal flavour to Fermoy hospital concert

Formerly known as the Mayor’s Concert, a Christmas variety concert was held in St Patrick’s Church, Fermoy on Sunday, December 7th.

Monday, 22 December 2014
2:00 PM GMT

A Christmas variety concert (formerly the Mayor's Concert) was held in St Patrick's Church, Fermoy on Sunday, December 7th.

There was a fine crowd and all proceeds from the night went to St Patrick's Community Hospital, Fermoy Fundraising Association.

Local talent was well represented with Sr Nuala conducting the award winning Loreto Secondary School choir while Vera Noonan (Fermoy) and Frank Ryan (Tallow) were also very well received by an appreciative audience. Members of An Garda Siochana turned out in force courtesy of the Cork Garda Male Choir and were in fine voice.

Phil Dunphy, who is best known for his contribution to Fermoy Concert Band put together a delightful quintet for the night with Treble Clef and Aine O'Flynn completing the bill.

MC for the night was the ultra professional Sean Donnellan, who was rich in his praise of the singers and their accompanying musicians.

"We were brilliantly entertained this evening by some outstanding performers. We had a beautiful setting and and a great cause. Overall, a fantastic occasion," Sean said.

There were presentations on the night to Sr Nuala and Vera Noonan - both ladies were delighted to be acknowledged in this way. An end of show raffle gave the coffers another boost and everyone went home happy.

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