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No-one wants to be considered a Scrooge or The Grinch that stole Christmas, but Fermoy Business Action Group had a tough choice to make at their AGM this week when it came to planning this year's Christmas festivities.
Outgoing Chairman Noel McCarthy explained that they were asked last year to take over the organisation and running of the Christmas Wonderland. It had been funded for the previous two years by Avondhu Blackwater Partnership. With a starting budget of less than €400, much less than ABP had to put into it, he felt they had done very well but people expected an event on the scale of the previous ones and so there was some criticism and complaints.
He felt the location at the Mill Island car park had worked well and they had provided a good, fun event enjoyed by many families. He thanked Pat and Mary Williams for their input and Dave Ryan of Amber Service Station who funded the firework display on the closing night.
In the discussion that followed, it was felt by most that last year's event hadn't generated much by way of extra business for retailers - indeed quite the reverse as it was felt that the child-oriented event took people away from the shops over the weekend it was held. That said, the social and 'feel good' factor of such an event was agreed and it was felt that it is important to make an effort to do something during the Christmas season.
Outgoing Chairman Noel McCarthy pointed out that the Santa's Grotto element of last year's event was a big success and could be replicated. The Christmas lights switch-on ceremonies were also enjoyable community events with large attendances and he felt they could build on that this year.
Those ideas had the support of the majority of members when a show of hands was called for. The committee will now begin planning the events agreed.
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