Reproinfo, a subsidiary of ReproDoc Ltd owned by Dr Dan Ryan from Fermoy, has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Agrifood section of the Irish Times Innovation Awards 2016.
Reproinfo has created CadMan, a software and hardware combination which brings the application of automated vision recognition technology to the interpretation of bovine reproductive tract ultrasound examinations.
CadMan is the first application of computer assisted diagnosis in this field in the world and brings a step change in how cow fertility can be addressed. ReproInfo Ltd is an Irish company owned by Dr Dan and Aileen Ryan which was created in 2014 to focus exclusively on the creation of hardware and software to bring computer aided diagnosis to the field of bovine reproduction worldwide.
Prior to founding ReproInfo, they founded ReproDoc in 1995 which is Ireland’s largest provider of ultrasound reproductive tract examination services. ReproDoc currently completes approximately 200,000 examinations per year.