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Reports for development and growth of Irish craft and design sector launched

Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Phil Hogan, TD, launched two reports that outline recommendations for significantly developing the craft sector in Ireland which provides vital employment in local economies throughout the country and generates an output of almost half a billion euros.

Friday, 17 January 2014
3:00 PM GMT

Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Phil Hogan, TD, launched two reports that outline recommendations for significantly developing the craft sector in Ireland which provides vital employment in local economies throughout the country and generates an output of almost half a billion euros.

Plans for the integration of a craft strategy into the Regional Development Plan strategies 2014 – 2020 and for the adoption of a number of recommendations from the reports were announced by the Local Development Companies (LDC) in association with the Crafts Council of Ireland (CCoI).

The partnership between LDC and CCoI provides a road map for future investment and joint actions in the development of the crafts sector leading to growth and job creation in rural economies.

The two reports were commissioned by a consortium of Local Development Companies - Ballyhoura Development Ltd; West Cork Development Company; Wexford Local Development; Kilkenny LEADER Partnership and South Tipperary Development Company - in association with the Crafts Council of Ireland.

In launching the reports, Minister Hogan said: “I am delighted that these agencies have collaborated on this important research project and are exploring the significant opportunities which the reports have highlighted for cooperation in the regional development of Ireland’s craft sector. While there are many craft enterprises of scale, the crafts sector in Ireland is primarily made up of micro-enterprises which form an important part of rural and local economies. By supporting and developing our indigenous craft industry, talented designers and makers throughout the country can play a vital role in contributing to sustainable economic renewal. These reports provide a comprehensive evidence base for future actions and investment in Ireland’s innovative craft sector.”

In both reports, the participating regions are reflective of various stages of development of the craft sector throughout Ireland and provide a sound basis for the development of programmes and investment nationally.

‘Creative Clusters - An economic analysis of the current status and future clustering potential for the crafts industry in Ireland’ by Indecon International Economic Consultants examines the economic value of the craft sector. It outlines the sector’s contribution towards prosperous and sustainable rural economies through job creation, tourism and quality of life and highlights their potential to benefit from economies of scale through clusters. The report provides a series of recommendations that can be jointly undertaken by CCoI and the network of local development companies that have the potential to lead to significant growth.

‘Mapping the Craft Sectors in Southern Ireland’ by Willie Miller Urban Design (WMUD) examines the environmental, economic and infrastructural conditions that have led to the development of craft clusters in specific regions. It provides a model that underpins the rationale for LDC support for the crafts sector and other creative/cultural industries and surmises that the value of this group of industries lies not so much in the contribution of individual enterprises but in their collective effects.

CCoI’s Chief Executive Karen Hennessy said: “The Crafts Council of Ireland is committed to developing active partnerships with Local Development Companies in order to maximise resources and extend our combined reach in the development of the crafts industry in Ireland and internationally. We look forward to working with the Local Development Companies in providing relevant and cost-effective supports to craft enterprises throughout the country in order to sustain and grow this innovative sector.”

Ms Hennessy noted that both reports are based on the current and future role of the LDC in the strategic growth of the crafts sector and therefore do not reflect the investment and supports provided by Enterprise Ireland, the County and City Enterprise Boards and other strategic partners.

“I would like to acknowledge our many public and private partners in education, enterprise, tourism, culture, and at local and national level whose commitment, energy and on-going investment is vital in sustaining and developing Ireland’s craft sector,” she concluded.

‘Working collaboratively, the CCoI, Local Development Companies and local stakeholders have great potential to optimise development support and LEADER funding to further grow the craft sector delivering on the recommendations in the reports,’ added Carmel Fox, CEO, Ballyhoura Development.

CCoI and LDC intend to adopt selected recommendations from the reports as suitable and appropriate for integration into Regional Development Plan strategies 2014 – 2020. These include:

• The development and delivery of a ‘Scalable Craft Enterprise’ programme which aims to work with a number of craft enterprises to put appropriate mechanisms in place to achieve scalability and to develop a model that can be rolled out to other regions

• Enhancement of the cluster capability in the craft sector through the development of networks and facilities and through the promotion of inter-sectoral development between craft, tourism, food and complimentary sectors.

A number of local craft enterprises operating in the Ballyhoura Country area have had the opportunity to feed into the research undertaken for the reports and welcome the recommendations for the future of the sector.

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