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Renowned entrepreneur Pearce Flannery gives inspiring talk in Fermoy

Pearce Flannery, a best-selling author and the founder of the ‘Pragmatica’ organisation, gave a rousing motivational speech in Fermoy recently.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014
9:05 AM GMT

The business community in North Cork proved most receptive to a New Year's pep talk by an acclaimed business trainer, entrepreneur and motivational speaker in Fermoy on Thursday last.

The North Cork Enterprise Board (NCEB) hosted the seminar in the Community Youth Centre, at which Pearce Flannery delivered a rousing address. The seminar was titled 'Create Your Own Reality' and he provided much food for thought in his trademark high tempo style, rallying participants to take control of their own destiny.

The entrepreneur, who is also a best-selling author and the founder of the 'Pragmatica' organisation, encouraged attendees not to waste time dwelling on past mistakes or glories, but rather his challenge to them was to embrace what lay ahead. They should become "pioneers of the future, rather than prisoners of the past," he told them.


Speaking at the event, Michael Hanley, manager of North Cork Enterprise Board, said networking with potential clients had never been more important than in today's business climate. "There is a realisation among most sensible business people that they look beyond traditional ways of doing business and the type of promotional activities that they previously engaged in. We have been delighted with the enthusiastic response that this networking initiative has received, which demonstrates that smaller companies are willing to look at every opportunity that presents itself," he said.

Among those who attended was Glanworth architect, Neil Kane, who said he felt invigorated, both personally and in terms of his business, after the event. "Pearce Flannery delivered clear advice and his business observations with such conviction and good nature, it was hard not to be energised and inspired," he said.

The success of the event has led to demand for another. This will be held in the Green Glens in Millstreet on Wednesday, February 5th from 9am to 1pm. Anyone who'd like to book a place is asked to contact Joan Kelleher of NCEB on 022 43235 or e-mail

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