My name is Maria O’Sullivan Morrissey. On leaving school in the early 1980s, I trained as a psychiatric nurse and a general nurse. After returning home to Cahir, to settle down, I worked for South Tipperary Mental Health Services for over 30 years until my retirement.
My first introduction to complimentary healing treatment therapy was in 2005, at that time it was Kinesiology, seeking help and support from continuous courses of anti-biotics which had me feeling so depleted that the cure for my ailment outweighed the illness itself being treated. The Kinesiology therapy helped to realign my body and I felt much better physically.
This process led me to IET, which is Integrated Energy Therapy, also known as Angel Therapy Healing. I had another fruitful experience here with the IET as it empowered me notably after the death of my mother in 2006. This gave me the motivation to go and explore more healing therapy. It reawakened an experience within my body, moving me such that there was more to life than the traditional medicine that my nurse training brought me in to all those years before. Seeking further, I was then brought to and introduced to Reiki Healing.
When my journey in nursing was nearing its end on a day-to-day basis, this made me reach out further, as to how I could support and encourage others who may have stress, anxiety, fear, challenges of daily living and how I could support, empower and encourage others with my knowledge and experience both personally and professionally in putting it all together.
I trained in Reiki Healing which I felt I had a strong connection to and this is where I felt my energy lay and in how I can support, empower and give to others my experience to whoever wants to come to me for Reiki.
Reiki is a non-invasive energy healing. It gives the person time to step out from the busy world to nurture themselves with demands put on them physically and/or emotionally and to recuperate their physical and/or emotional body, I offer my services.
Outside Ireland, the WHO / World Health Organisation recognises the practice of Reiki and is being incorporated into the healing in some hospitals and centres of excellence, most notably in the United States of America and it is now showing to have success rates in healing and that there is a slow steady increase in its popularity.
I believe that in time, that this too will occur in Ireland, whereby the public will be given the option/choice to also avail of healing treatment alongside their medical treatment.
Maria can be contacted on 086-8402692.