Many people would be vexed if a swarm of honey bees landed on their chimney, or decided to settle down on their roof hanging, or even in the space beneath their roof slates.
However, for Eleanor Attridge, who lives in Leamlara, these kinds of challenges are just part of the job.
Eleanor is a qualified electrician, her day job, as well as a lecturer with CIT, but she is also a beekeeper.
“I’m an electrician by trade. I moved to Leamlara 15 years ago, and I couldn’t get honey locally. My allergies were kicking up, so that was when I decided to look into bee keeping, and making my own honey,” Eleanor told The Avondhu.
Citing a recent case near Carrignavar where she was called out to a house where a swarm of bees had relocated themselves, Eleanor found the honey bees ensconced on a chimney stack.
Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition