RBS Six Nations fever hits St Fanahan’s College, Mitchelstown
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Following on from the recent RBS Six Nations Championship win for Ireland, rugby has been high on the agenda for many. The students of St Fanahan's College in Mitchelstown got to sample the sport with a workshop on tag rugby, before getting a taste of victory, as Ultan O'Callaghan brought the RBS Six Nations trophy for the students to see.
The workshop was run by development officers with Munster Rugby, John O'Neill and Finny O'Regan and Owen Dawson of Mitchelstown RFU. Throughout the workshop, they used a variety of coaching techniques to enable the students to develop ball handling, offensive running and defensive skills. They also participated in a variety of drills, which culminated in a series of tag rugby games.
The icing on the cake was when Ultan O'Callaghan arrived at the school with the RBS Six Nations trophy. Students were lucky enough to be able to hold the trophy and have take their picture with it, while it acted as a way to show students what can be achieved with hard work and determination.
First and second year students took part in the workshop, which will now be used by the school as a springboard to initiate mixed tag rugby as a sport at the school. It’s hoped that the school teams will take part in competitions within the school and with other schools in the area.
Mr Langley, who organised the event, said that it was a great experience for the students.
“Both myself and the students are deeply appreciative of John and Finny’s enthusiasm, experience and advice. We are privileged to have had them here to be able to avail of their generosity and time. We are also very grateful of the support they are giving us, which will enable us to enhance the profile of rugby within the school," he said.
The school would like to thank everyone who was a part of the day, but particularly John O’Neill, Finny O’Regan, Ultan O’Callaghan, Owen Dawson and Mr Langley.
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